Special Report Coming Soon: How the Global Pandemic Is Affecting Customer Service

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Special Report Coming Soon: How the Global Pandemic Is Affecting Customer Service Stat

We’ve all heard the classic lines at this point:

“In these challenging times…”
“Now more than ever…”
“We’re in this together….”

And they’re all true. These are absolutely crazy times to live in, let alone work in, and the global pandemic is affecting every aspect of our day to day lives. But what does this all really mean for customer service organisations?

Kustomer surveyed over 150 customer service professionals across a variety of industries to truly understand how their businesses and teams are being affected by COVID-19, and the results are powerful. Fifty-two percent of customer service professionals say the global pandemic is affecting their customer service organisation a great deal, meaning massive changes in ticket volume, customer attitudes, or policies. An additional 27% report being impacted slightly less, experiencing significant changes due to COVID-19. Only 1% of organisations reported no change at all.

While some industries, like retail, are seeing a troubling decrease in business and inquiries, other industries, like financial services, are having more problems to solve than ever before. While this isn’t a permanent condition, and hopefully things will go back to a “new normal” soon, there is no doubt that there could be long-term impacts. Teams may need to think about driving efficiencies with less resources, or how to work productively in a remote environment. The only constant is change, and preparing for the future now is the true key to success.

Luckily, customer service organisations play a vital role in times of crisis. Ninety percent of customer service professionals believe customer service is more important than ever amidst the global pandemic. With many businesses shutting their storefronts, customer service professionals become the face of the company, and are essential to empathising with customers and preventing issues before they arise.

Our full report will be released in the coming weeks, with insights on how conversation volume has changed, what circumstances are affecting customer service, how organisations are adapting, what customers need from you, and how different industries are being affected. Plus, we’ll provide you with tips and insights on how your business can react to these extraordinary circumstances, and what tools you should have in place to minimise the impact on your customer service team. Stay tuned.

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